Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm SO weak... I don't lift weights, I just don't and I don't know why. Maybe because I'd rather go running or do a step class or play soccer or SOMETHING other than lift weights. I don't lift weights because I don't want big arms, I don't want huge muscles, and I don't want to be sore. I want my workout to make me sweat and make me feel like I've accomplished something.

Yesterday...for some STRANGE reason...I decided to do "Muscle Works" class.
***Side note - I havent lifted weights in about a YEAR!!***
There I was lifting my 6 lb weights for about (seriously) a million bicep curls. I thought my arms were literally going to fall off my sholders. We worked our way through the upper body - biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, etc. Then we had to lay on our step and do chest arms were SO fatigued after the first 30 minutes of the class, you would have thought someone was violently shaking my upper body.

After an hour of grueling pain I walked out of the class, sat my limp upper bodied self onto a stationary bike and rode for 45 minutes. My legs were not nearly as tired as my arms as I made my way out of the gym. Later that night I feel fine...I've gotten past the limp noodled arm feeling and I'm quite glad I went to the weights class...

Until I woke up this morning. I step in the shower and realize I am unable to lift my arms high enough to grab the shampoo bottle, much less, actually shampoo my hair. My shower takes twice as long as normal because I'm groaning and moaning during the whole straining process. Putting on make-up was fine...then came time to dry my hair. I gave up with holding the brush and the dryer after about 45 seconds - both of which felt like they weighed about 25 lbs.

I sat at my desk all day...with curly hair and an upper body of a petrified mummy. From the waist up I move like I have giant body cast on. Good thing I have a swivle chair. About the heaviest thing I've picked up all day is my water bottle - 1 Liter to be exact. I actually had to stand up and use my leg strenght to lift my purse off my desk. Pathetic to the nth degree if you ask me!!

So...will I go back to "Muscle Works"...maybe. Will I lift 6 lbs weights...absolutely not. I'll start out with some 3 pounders and work my way back up to 6 lbs. That will probably take me a year to get there. Goal - continue to lift weights...stive to not be sore at the end of a workout. My mom informed we that she can lift double the amount of weight that I can...I'm so weak...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Power of Prayer

I feel like everywhere I turn, people have been telling me to pray for others. I feel like I'm hearing about so many horrible things happening and wondering what this world is coming to. Do I hear more about the crazy happenings from the media or are more unusual things just taking place? Does technology allow us to know more about diagnosing random conditions and/or creating new ones to diagnose, or have they always existed. Has the world always had such a need for prayer and concern, or are we just more aware of it because of Facebook, blogs and Twitter? I suppose only God knows the answer to this question...So therefore, why not lift all these people up to God; place their wounds, pains, addictions, hurts, wants, etc. into His hands.

I feel like I constantly tell people I will pray for them and their families and/or friends, and then lay in my bed at night speechless. I wonder sometimes if just talking about praying for someone mean's that you're acknowledging it to God without having to say a prayer in that moment. I cannot seem to find the words sometimes to ask God to heal those who are suffering, comfort those who have lost, provide for those who have nothing and lead those who feel alone. I feel selfish and greedy that I haven't suffered like some of them have. I long to have the prayerful hearts that they have gained from experiencing such low moments. I ask God to guide my mind in prayer and be able to share with others those who mean so much as well as those who I have promised a prayer for. God we thank you for all that you do for us and know that you ultimately have a plan for all of our lives...may it be guided in prayer, with thanksgiving, knowing that you are holding our hands throughout the entire journey.

My personal list of prayers...

1. Callie Dunaway - brain tumor
2. Katherine Arnold Wolf - AVM rupture
3. Ben Crain - tank attack in Afghanistan
4. Jennifer Wilkes - Good Pasture's Syndrome
5. Derek Tremble - Hodgkin's Lymphoma
6. Gary Cooney's son - drug addition
7. Ben Leathers - brain tumor
8. Kristin Seidensticker - year long mission trip around the world
9. Liz Simmons - month trip to Africia
10. Friends losing jobs
11. More friends looking for jobs
12. Numerous friends getting married
13. Even more friends having babies

14. And all those unmentioned prayers that sometimes get over looked