Monday, December 5, 2011

My Machine Failed Me...

6 months ago my brother convinced me to sign up for the Las Vegas 1/2 marathon...he and his wife, Laura had signed up for it and wanted me to come visit them in Sin City (Drew is stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas.) I had run the Nashville 1/2 twice before and figured why not - third time is a charm, right? The past two races, I had been an avid runner - following the typical training know: short runs throughout the week and long runs on Saturdays; increasing each week how many miles I would run. Well, this time I decided to take a different approach...just continue my crossfit training (which often incorporates running, but never anything significantly long.) I've been a lot more focused on my goal of getting stronger recently.

For those of you that know me, I'm obsessed with crossfit and working out in general...often times workout twice a day. And recently it has been brought to my attention that I do not take NEAR enough rest days. But I'm a typical stubborn Aries and I plow through with a fatigued body and ignore how tired I can sometimes be.

I walked into the 1/2 marathon yesterday with a goal in mind. My past two 1/2 marathon times were 2:03 and 1:57. My goal this time - 1:55. First of all, I didnt take into account that both of those races were over two years body has changed in two years - I'm heavier and have more muscle. Secondly, I havent been a true runner by nature in two knees arent use to the pounding nor had I run ANYTHING longer than 6 miles in 2 years.

A few factors about the race that were very different than the past two...1) Las Vegas 1/2 is at night...meaning I've spent all day getting nervous about the race. 2) Because the race was at night (in December) we started at 57 degrees and crossed the finish line at 38. Brrrr. 3)The course is about as flat as a pancake. I enjoy running hills because on every side of an up, there is a down to relax on. No hills = no relaxing. 4) Because the course is as flat as a pancake, there was change of scenery, but it was a VERY slow change and you could see where you needed to get to, but it never came quick enough. 5) The coral groups never spread out, never. I spent almost the entire race weaving through people. I have brusies on my arms from getting elbowed.

Laura and I started the race together and at about mile 3 my hip started feeling tight...I kept my mouth shut and just pushed throught it. At the 10K mark I admitted to her through teary eyes that my hip was killing me. "Are you ok??" she asked. "Honestly, no, but I dont want to stop. I dont want to quit." "Chelsey, your body is your tool - you need to take care of you need to stop?" I told her I was just gonna slow down and for her to go on - I'd meet her at the finish line. I pulled over at mile 7 to stretch my hip and slowly watched her disappear out of sight. I stretched and felt a little better, running until mile 10. By 10 I was practically dragging my left leg because it hurt to bend my hip...It had gotten to a point that people were passing me left and right. I started crying (I know, what's new?) and pulled over to the right side of the course...and started walking. Yes, walking. I was so upset...There I was - walking (probably looked more like a limp to the crowds than the power walk I thougth I was doing) and crying in the middle of Las Vegas Blvd. I walked from 10-12. Everytime I started to think about running my brain said GO, but my body said NO. Once I reached 12 I knew I was close. I ran for 3 minutes, walked for 1 minute the last 1.1 miles of the race. I crossed the finish line at 2:16. I crossed in pain and in tears - I'm not looking forward to seeing that finish line photo. Haha.

This was the first time in my life that my body has failed me. There are many times in crossfit workouts where I feel like I cannot go on, but I find the internal drive to push through - because in reality I'm not that tired and/or sore. Well, yesterday was a whole new level of feeling like I couldnt go on. I push my body, and push my body and push my body...that I think it finally said SCREW YOU and shut down. Thanks for choosing a huge race to be my break point stupid body. BUT...maybe I needed this...maybe I needed to be reminded that this machine of mine needs a break. I need to listen when I'm sore, I need to take rest days, and I need to be reminded that I will not always perform at my best. Yesterday was very far from best. But, I finished. I'm upset and frustrated, but I accomplished finishing the race...and ahead of about 30,000 people. Not too bad, right? I walk away from this race knowing that God has HIS timing to teach us lessons - I suppose He wanted me to learn my lesson the hard way - the only way to stick it into my brain that I need to take it easy sometimes is to break me when it really counted.

I'm blessed with an awesome friend who always has the right things to say to me. Matt's text after the race: "I know you wanted to be faster than your last race, but maybe you just had one of those days. After all, you HAVE been hitting PR's in all your strength and oly lifts, and don't forget your muscleups...maybe your endurace took a little hit. 2:16 is STILL a pretty awesome time for someone that doesnt specialize in running. You are one of the best all-around athletes I know, and you are strong and fast and as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. I'm proud of you no matter what." I needed that reminder from him...we even teach that idea to our 101 classes: We are not specialists, we are generalists. I'm generally good at a lot of things and that's ok. :)

I'm feeling like an 80 year old woman walking around Drew and Laura's house today because my hips and knees are in so much pain. And if you asked me right now if I'd ever run a 1/2 marathon again, my answer is HELL NO. I am super excited to get back into the gym and focus on the things I'm really starting to enjoy - lifting heavy weights. Will I take a few days off before I jump back in? Yes, but it will be hard.

Do I plan on setting any running PR's? Probably not. Is that ok? Yes...because I already have some new crossfit goals to chase...

*155# clean and jerk
*150# OHS
*30 muscleups for time <15 min
*300# deadlift
*free standing handstand
*200# backsquat