Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was sitting at therapy yesterday with ice on my leg for 20+ minutes, surfing the social media scene. I ran across a picture from a member at ITF and friend, Brook Taylor, entitled "Wondering Why Wednesday". It was a hilarious photo of one of her 4 (!!) boys doing something silly. Apparently those moments happen often. Brook, being the amazing woman and mother that she is laughs at the craziness of her life and shares it with others. I wanted to share her blog with's too cute to not pass up reading...

Last year I set my goal to write in my blog once a week - well, I definitely didn't follow through with that goal. So...this year - with inspiration from Brook...I am dedicating myself to my blog. Daily.

Even if short and sweet...something will be written daily about life, marriage, starting a business, moving, my faith, my family, and I may even throw in a "Wondering Why Wednesday" of my own.

Thanks Brook for being an inspiration.